Tuesday, April 17, 2018

As a Child

  As a child what sticks out the most in my memory  is the molestation and abuse that I suffered. As I look back on my childhood memories there were no good times and fun days were non-existent. From what I do remember, my mom had always depended on men to take care of us. My mom did not work. I never understood why because after my mom graduated from high school, she got her CNA license and she went to school to be a real estate agent. I don't have any memories at all when my mom worked. What I did know is that  she had horriable choice in men. One specifically use to beat me so bad that I had to wear pants and long sleeve shirts in the summer to hide the bruises all over my body. My mom never had the backbone to take up for us. My mom, Cindy, was not a loving mom at all. I have no memories of my mom reading us bed time story, she didn't show affection. As a child I didn't get hugs, kisses, or told "I  love you". Instead she would let anybody treat us anyway they wanted to. She never was loving or kind when it come to us kids. As a child I mostly remember being physically abused, molested, ignored, unwanted, and unloved. As I look back at that time of my life all I feel is fear, pain, sadness, and hopelessness.

As a child my most foundest, cherishable memories was  spending time with my Grandma Wells and Uncle Ed. My grandma and Uncle Ed retired from the Phillip Morris the cigarette company, grandma also retired from Walmart too. Every chance she had off or was not working she would come pick us up, me and my sister, that's a year younger than me. Being with them at their house right across the street from the lake was my most cherished memories. My grandma was so full of life, energetic, and outgoing. She was always on the go. Every time we went to grandma's I knew we were gonna have so much fun. We went to what I called "Grandma's Beach" which was right across the road and around the bend from her house. We would often get in the small aluminum boat that she kept tied up and go right around the bend to the beach. It had showers, swing sets, & a platform in the deep end of the water that we use to jump off of. When we wasn't going to thrift shops, or grandma's beach we went to the swimming lessons that my Grandma paid to have us in for three years. My grandma's house was my home away from home. My safe house, the only place where we got to feel loved, important , & special. It was really the only place where we had any normality as far as family and being in a truly happy home. We spent as much time at grandma's as we could.
  As for my biological grandpa, which is my mom Dad, he committed suicide when my mom was only six years old. He went to the garage, shut the garage door, then he sat in his car, started the ignition, rolled the windows down, and suffocated his self. Needless to say, I never got to meet him. The only left of my grandpa was a picture, only one picture. My mom likes to say that she looks just like her dad. I told mom that she needs stronger glasses because she really looks just like my grandma. I don't see any charisitcs that she got from her Dad. 
   My Uncle Ed, is the only grandpa figure that I had. He started dating my Grandma when I was an infant baby. I have to say that my Uncle Ed is one of the most AMAZING men that I have ever met in my life. Uncle Ed never had any kids of his own. Me and my sister was as close to kids as he got. Uncle Ed was the kindest man that you would ever met, he was caring, compassionate, and
he loves to go to car shows, he has a garage full of old collectable, antique toy cars, trucks, ect. He even has two show cars of his own. He has a 66 mustang and a 66 Camero SS. 
 One day he took me for a ride in his convertible mustang, as we get down the roaf he laid the top down, and I started crying because I thought that I was going to fly out. To this day he still laughs at me about thay. I was especially was close to him. Every night we stayed at grandma's me, my sister Angel, and Uncle Ed would get up at 12:00am and get our midnight snack. He was my grandma's voice of reason, although my Grandma was a firecracker and did not listen to anybody that tried to tell her what to do, she would listen to Uncle Ed. He was her voice of reason. 
  My fondest memories me, Angel, and Grandma was getting ready to go on an outing. As grandma was getting everything together, she told me and my sister to go get in the car, which was a elcoman, so we did. While my Grandma was locking the house up I shouted "Throw me the keys grandma", so she did. I then said "I am pitting them in the ignition, "ok". At that moment my sister said "I dare you to put it on the "R". I did exactly that and we went rolling back, across the street, and hit a tree. My grandma was mad as hell. I had never been in trouble at my grandma's before. After the car stopped, me and my sister got out, walked across the street, and opened the front door and I hear my Grandma say " I am going to tear their backsides up good this time, go look at my car!"
 When we walked into the house, Uncle Ed sent me to My grandma's room and he sent Angel to his room. As we are sitting in the room being punished I heard My Uncle Ed sayd " Calm down Erycle, I'm sure that it's not that bad. Don't spank them, punish them, they are kids, they didn't know any better. I just thank God that they didn't hurt themselves or anybody else". After dinner and we took our baths Uncle Ed called us into the living room and talked to us about what could have happened but didn't. After he finished his speech grandma added that we would be staying at her house for two weeks for punishment. She then stated as punishment we would clean the kitchen, bathroom, and what ever else she could find for us to do. That was by far the best punishment that I have ever had to do. 

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