Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The new baby

 As time went on I was 11 years old at this point and my mom Cindy had another baby girl in 1990. My baby sister was named after grandma Doris. I remember when my mom went in labor. She took me and Angel to school that morning and when she was dropping us off she was on the phone with my step dad telling him that she was dropping us off at school and going to the hospital because she was in labor. Dad wanted her to bring him some orange juice before she went to have my sister. My sister Josiphine Clarice was born on October 4th, 1990. I was happy to have a baby sister little did I know in less that a week I would be raising her and taking care of her like she was my own child. 
 A few days after October 4th, my mom walks in the door with a beautiful baby girl. I was so taken by this new little baby. From the time that my mother brought her home from the hospital I felt a strong sense of motherly love, devotion, and compassion for this baby. I helped my mom, step dad, & sister in everyway to take care of, not only the baby J.C. as we call her,  but my younger, handicapped, sister Michelle to. 
 Three days later, I  hear my baby sister crying. As I walked in the room, where my mother and sister was, I see my mom throw my baby sister down onto the bed. I could not believe what I just witnessed! To this day I am not sure why I was so surprised. I guess it was because as I  was a child my mother was more of a verbal abuser instead of a hands on.  She would scream at us a lot. Now don't get me wrong she would smack the you know what out of us from time to time. I guess another reason that I was shocked was because the first time in my life, I seen the motherly love that my mom had for my sister that I didn't get to experience as a child. 
 After I witnessed my mom throw my sister on that bed, from that day on, I dedicated myself to become my sister's care taker. I did not want to report it because I didn't want to lose my sister. I figured that if I took care of her my mom wouldn't be overwhelmed, and most importantly, my sister wouldn't be abused. 

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