Thursday, July 4, 2019

Missing an Angel Never Goes Away

Missing my Angel baby NEVER GOES AWAY! It has been a year & 6 months since I lost the love of my life which is my grandson. My grandbaby was still born the day before my birthday last year.

There is not a day goes by that I don't miss him! I always wonder what his little laugh would have sounded like, what color would his eyes be, I know for a fact that he had dark curly hair, I wonder how his cry would have sounded like, how tall would he have been when he grew up, I wonder what his voice would have sounded like. He would have been walking & talking by now.

Loosing somebody you love is like loosing a part of yourself! The hurt & pain never goes away nor does it get easier with time. It's a whole in your heart that never goes away. 

With every special occasion, every holiday, every family togetherness, will never feel quite right bc you know that even though the majority of the family is there, not all of them are there. There fore there is an emptiness, a sadness that holds you back from fully appreciating, enjoying, having fun, & feeling true complete happiness!

I know my Angel Baby will always be with me in spirit, however the true sadness comes from not being able to see, feel, touch, spend time with, not being able to form that bond with him. 

For those of you who have lost the love of your life or someone that your very close to, it's hard to cope with the lose. Everyone thinks that time heals all wounds, which is so not true!

Everyone copes with lose differently. I do special activities to remember my Angel Baby. 
For Example:

 * I am working on a memory scrap book.

  * We also celebrate his life, by baking a cake & celebrating his birthday.

  * We release balloons with miss you notes.

  * When saying a prayer at a family gathering I make sure to thank God for the time we did get to spend with him & ask God to let him know that we 💞 & miss him.

* I kiss my urn  necklace, which his ashes are in, & hold it in my hand whenever I miss him & want to hold him.

  * I allow myself to miss him & I cry 4 him whenever I need to or whenever missing him is overwhelming for me.

  * If you would like some ideas or even want to talk about the love of your life who you miss, I am here for you! Everyone needs someone for support. Contact me @

Maybe we can all support each other & help one another come up with ideas to keep our loved ones memories alive!

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Angel Baby

Missing an Angel Never Goes Away

Missing my Angel baby NEVER GOES AWAY! It has been a year & 6 months since I lost the love of my life which is my grandson. My grandbaby...

An Angel Baby for My Birthday