An Angel Baby for My Birthday

Monday, May 21, 2018

You will be treated how YOU "ALLOW" YOURSELF TO BE TREATED.

  Life after DIVORCE! I know that emotionally a divorce brings a lot of different emotions @ 1 time. Your sad, confused, happy, relieved, worried, lost, just to name a few. 
  The only problem that me & my ex had was completely all of his creation, he would start complaining over literly everything. Since I refused to argue with him, I stayed silent, so with me not saying a word, that's NOT An argument, right?
  Well we just split up the day before yesterday. Now I am feeling so relieved mainly bc I am under NO control or expectations. 
  I have to say that I am so proud of myself bc for the very 1st time in my life I put some BOUNDARIES in place for my ex.
  He just thought that he was gonna stop by my house & wake me up @ 12:35 am. When I opened that door I said to him " Let me get this straight right now. You have all day of you wanna pick up your stuff. Don't be coming by here waking me up @ this time of the morning! "
  This was my " Day #1 in finding myself ! " I was so proud of myself for taking up for me bc normally I let people run all over me bc I want to respect them, don't want to hurt their feelings, ect. Not this this time! I will still have some of the qualities that make me who I am. One thing that I will change about me is that I will no longer except what I don't like. I will not only find my voice, but I will USE my voice! That's a big change from who I was when I was married. I am gonna be the person who teaches people how to treat me!
  One thing that I've learned through my life is that " A MAN WILL ONLY TREAT YOU HOW YOU ALLOW HIM TO TREAT YOU!!!!! " People need to put those boundaries in place @ the very beginning of your relationship, & if the boundaries get crossed, you have to have your consequences in place. Without boundaries & consequences people are going to treat you & talk to you anyway that they want to. At the same time you have to treat everybody with RESPECT, LOVE, & KINDNESS and also give them something to respect!

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Angel Baby