An Angel Baby for My Birthday

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A new life

 A year later my mom packed us up and we moved from Richmond Virginia to Thomas Louisiana. My grandma Wells cried and tried to talk my mom out of moving but I guess my mom wanted to make some changes of her own. I was happy about it except for leaving my grandma. My grandma had always been like a second mom to me. I stayed with my Grandma and "Uncle Ed" as we called him as much as we could get away with. My uncle Ed never married my Grandma but he lived with her ever since I was a new born. We called him uncle bc he didn't want to be called grandpa. 
It was hard to leave my Grandma & uncle Ed! Being at their house was my favorite place to be. My safe home. Once we moved to Louisiana Burl and my mom got married. The first person that we met was my step dad's mom Doris. She's always said that I have always been her heart since the first day that she laid eyes on me. She never treated me like a step grandchild. We got right in with my step dad's family. They never treated us any any thing but Family!
When we first got to Louisiana we moved in with my step dad father. His name was Clinton. I'm not exactly sure how long we lived there. Staying there was horriable. Clinton was a drunk. He drank from the time he got up in the morning until the time he went to bed. After a while he started touching me. I kept it a secret for a long time because for the first time in my life I had a family and I did not want to break that up because that's all I have ever wanted as a child since my dad never was around. After about three years I went to my step dad and told him that his Dad had been touching me. After I confessed we moved out but Burl and my mom never reported it. The only thing that my step dad said was that we were moving out and I never had to stay with him again. We still visited him up until the day he died, but I never did stay another night .

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Angel Baby